American modern tank types
American modern tank types

The origins of the M1 Abrams can be traced back to a failed partnership between the United States and West Germany in producing a new generation main battle tank system with the latest capabilities to combat whatever the Soviets were brewing (this turned out to be the T-72).

american modern tank types

In US military operations, the Abrams currently serves with both the US Army and the US Marine Corps. As of this writing, roughly 8,800 Abrams have been produced in all its varied forms. Along with the United States, operators of the Abrams include Australia, Egypt, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The system has been featured in the 1991 Gulf War and Bosnia along with the US invasions of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003.

american modern tank types

The tank was introduced in 1979, entered service in 1980 and is still undergoing production. The M1 Abrams was designed by Chrysler Defense and produced under the General Dynamics brand.

American modern tank types